Monday, January 18, 2016

kx59 goes hipster

A review of sorts.
I carried a hard shell brief case for decades.  The youngins in the office had backpacks or book bags with long straps which I always thought made them look like schoolboys.
Now I think, "the skinny little strap on your book bag sucks. I can see it biting into your shoulder."
Behold my MANPACK!
I ran across this sling pack quite a while back.  When I found out I'd be traveling again, I decided the brief case had to go.
This is my cell phone's fault.
I travel light with a strapped Nike gym bag which I carry in hand most of the time.
Held in front of me, it works remarkably like a rudder through the oncoming current of other travelers in the airports.
With the briefcase, no free hand for the phone.

So I got one of these:

Mine is Urban cammo, aka black.  I've had it long enough that it's dirty now.
The pockets, zippers, compartments are minimal and yet well organized.  My Ipad Mini, laptop, gum wrappers, highly important bidness papers and assorted bar receipts travel quite well in it.  The cell phone pocket on the strap I use to store a 3" maglite flashlight rather than my cell phone.
The only issue I've had is with the outside pocket, which has a a magnetic catch on it.  The magnetic catch works really well.  Putting a USB thumb drive in the pocket, I found, is not a good idea.  It became a tiny little brick after spending a day glommed to the backside of the magnet.

Other than that, two thumbs up.  I carry it every day now.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, well, I've no concern about stepping into a hole and disappearing into the snow and needing a bright safety color so I'm found before I suffocate.
      In my case, I try to blend into the crowd when traveling. Tourist and target are synonymous in the criminal lexicon.

  2. Looks like a fine design!
    I'm pretty much relegated to my jacket and jeans pockets - don't carry enough stuff to require an additional item of luggage. (Hooray!)
    Back-in-the-day, it was an American Tourister briefcase.


    1. Guff,
      I haz an envy.
      when I get to where the crap I have to carry around fits in my pockets, I will be retired...or deceased. :)
      The pool is still open on which comes first.


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