Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Busy-ish last week

In D.C. Sunday / Monday. Stayed in an awesome hotel.  Being my first stay there, and wishing to make a good impression, they put me in the room furthest second furthest from the elevators.

Where's my complimentary Segway?

Truly, the Mayflower Renaissance Hotel in DC is a great place to long as you are on an expense account.
The Grand Hall to the Banquet rooms
Which also goes all the effing way
 to the other end of the block.

Wednesday to Friday in Dallas to review
 a full scale curtain wall lighting mockup.

Got a bit of sun. Note to self bring some 
sunscreen or a hat next time dumbass.

Next week we are going to blast the curtain wall mockup 
with this, and a fire hose to see if it leaks!  Weeeee!

Finished the week off with a little Beth Hart at the House of Blues.

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