Wednesday, November 25, 2015

In which I discover

Fanta Orange soda is quite a good mixer for Tito's Wodka.

Happy Thanksgiving to both of my remaining readers :)

* The beer blogging category, btw does not mean I've posted something beer snobbery. It means I've been drinking. No, don't ask, modesty forbids.


  1. LOL! Drunk posting, yeah, done that. Tends to make me very honest.

  2. Doesn't it though?
    Also, on the kx59 scale, I am not yet drunk, but I'm working on it.
    A bit of the creature tends to loosen my writing muse...and...opinions.

    1. Now's a good time to prowl Weaselzippers and hunt for liberal trolls.

    2. Now's a good time to prowl Weaselzippers and hunt for liberal trolls.

  3. Passed through your burg this AM on the way to Mexico City...
    Note to self:schedule longer layovers at IAH to help KX59 deplete the local alcohol supplies.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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