Funny how one little blog post line will just ignite your brain.*
"I’m just wondering why the President of the country felt it was necessary to lie."
From my BlogBud up in South Oklahoma...aka Fortworth?
Also "Bob is not his real name" far as I know. K, my best guess is "Bob" is a three letter agency spook or an insurance salesman.
I digress.
This started as a comment, but when I hit the footnote...I just couldn't help myself, so blog post :)
Obama does not know what the truth is. The concept of "truth" does not fit into his mental makeup.
Obama was, and is, essentially a community organizer. He believes himself to be quite intelligent.
If you assess the people he was controlling while a community organizer, relatively speaking, he was a genius. They thought so anyway.
Obama thinks the whole of the American population is as stupid as the vunables* that have flocked to him over the past decade. As the current occupier of the oval office, he has found "middle America" to be quite frustrating because we all know what a dipshit he is. A dangerous dipshit, but a dipshit nonetheless.
* Vunables; (noun) from the Congress WOMAN! Sheila Jackson Lee dictionary. Synonyms; vulnerables..also not a real word. She's a moron, but she's our moron. Yay!? Houston, TX.
She was at the Intercontinental Airport today extolling the extra security measures, in light of the recent Paris massacre, put in place by the people that resigned from McDonald's last week and now work for the TSA.**
** Which by associative thought brings me to my theory of why McDonald's franchises are tanking and McD is crashing and burning. The TSA is luring away all their "best" employees.
I've become convinced that liberals are incapable of intellectual honesty. They may not even realize they are doing it. In his case I think he's a sociopath and we are lucky he's lazy because if he had the drive of a Hitler we'd be doomed.
ReplyDeleteI've become convinced that liberals are incapable of intellectual honesty. They may not even realize they are doing it. In his case I think he's a sociopath and we are lucky he's lazy because if he had the drive of a Hitler we'd be doomed.
ReplyDeleteA belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and Belle, KX!