Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We have yet another company Glof Golf tournament coming up.  The editors of BAR have a busy October schedule, what with a wedding, a 60th wedding anniversary party, and a shindig scheduled down on the crik. (nephew getting married, Aunt and Uncle 60th. Good month for the BAR family)
I thought I was going to have a valid reason to break my 22 year golf tournament participation streak.
It was not to be so.  The crik shindig fell through and my social conflict evaporated.
Having never, I repeat NEVER been on a winning team (we're talking 4 players on a team, best ball here) in 22 years, I've come to the conclusion that I am the weak link and not a good golf player, or even a decent golf player..ok..I suck.

Watching* "Modern Family" on TV tonight, I happened to look up while blogging and blog reading.
One of the characters commented about retirement.

"I golfed six days last week. A new record.  I found 42 balls."

I think I've found a new take on this game of glof.


  1. A bad day at golf is better than a good day at work... enjoy your outing!


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