Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What happened to Little Sister??

As you all know, I recently traded in Little Sister (S&W Shield) for Elise (Glock 26), so what happened to Little Sister?

I found out that Jason from Guns Over Texas radio show picked her up from Shiloh Shooting Center that very same day.

Shiloh is an excellent indoor shooting range and where I go when I shoot IDPA.  Jeff, who is also a host of the radio show owns the place and his wife, Tracy Sanford, is a very good shooting instructor and recently appeard on NGEO's Doomsday Preppers.

I'm really glad that I know exactly where Lil Sis went and I'm glad to know that she is in good hands.  Jason is a police officer and he will carry that pistol with him when he's off duty.

So does the Belle ever call in to said radio show?   Well heck yes I do! I love calling in and talking to the guys when I've either attended a blog shoot, or made a new acquisition! 

They air every Sunday from 5pm until 7pm Central Time, you can listen to them on, the guys, Gary, Jeff and Jason are very knowledable and really a lot of fun to listen to.

They are on our blog roll and on the GBBL roll as well.  Their website has Podcasts from past episodes as well.

I will say that the one thing that I really love about that show, and that particular gun range is that they encourage ladies to learn to shoot and they do it in a way that's not intimidating or condescending. 

They promote training and CHL licensing for all who qualify and are always willing to talk about anything that goes 'bang'.

So what about the Glock?

All I can really say is....    I love it!

With the 4th Generation, Glock got smart and made them a little less 'boxy' and the grip is not as wide so it's easier to handle comfortably.  I've always liked the sights on Glocks but it was never worth having to deal with that fat grip.  Now it's not a problem.  The action is smooth, the gun is sweet and I think that I will have this Glock for years to come!


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