Sunday, August 21, 2011

Handing over the keys......

I can't tell you how spot on that car commercial where the man is handing the keys to the car to his daughter and as he's telling her to be safe and don't do this, don't do that she's only 5 years old.  Then when she actually starts to drive away, she's in fact grown.

Today, Kx59 and I drove the youngest daughter's car over to her house and as Kx handed her the keys, all I could see was my little girl at the age of 5 with her curly hair and bright green eyes, grinning at me.  She was so very happy and so sweet to me today, which was a nice change.

It's hard when they grow up, I just hope that she stays safe.

1 comment:

  1. Piece of trivia about that commercial: The two girls are the real life daughters of the Father in the commercial :)


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